Condition: New
3-in-1 design: children's trike/balance bike/baby trike. You can turn it into a two-wheeler by folding together the two rear wheels of the trike. The pedals are also removable and the pedal-less mode helps your child develop the necessary cycling skills such as balance, steering, and coordination, while the pedal mode allows children to train their cycling skills. Your child will therefore be able to use this versatile trike for a long time.
High in quality and safe: The trike is CE-certified and made of non-toxic materials. All designs and materials are safe for children. It consists of a non-slip handlebar, comfortable faux leather seat, durable wheels, sturdy steel frame, and a stable triangular structure for easy and safe operation. The seat cushion is ergonomically designed and manufactured. Steering of the handlebar is limited to 60 degrees to ensure baby safety.
Adjustable handlebar and seat: The trike has an adjustable handlebar angle to set the optimal riding position and a steering limit of 60 degrees to prevent the baby from falling sideways. The seat is also height adjustable up to 6 cm. The adjustable seat height is designed for children aged 10 - 36 months. So as your child grows, the trike can accompany your baby for a long time.
Recommended age: The trike is suitable for children aged 10 - 36 months. Usually, toddlers ride this bike without pedals to maintain balance, but with pedals, they can learn to ride faster. Your child will soon master the concept of cycling and immediately feel a sense of achievement. It also strengthens the muscles, as the child tilts, turns, moves, walks, and pedals.